Results for 'Suzuki Sachiko Yasumura Yoshiaki'

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  1.  29
    Xml 表現に基づく cbr を用いた日常業務支援システム.Suzuki Sachiko Yasumura Yoshiaki - 2003 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 18 (4):183-192.
    This paper introduces an agent system for supporting user's dairy work on the Internet like a secretary. In this system, an agent is assigned to a user, and receives requests from the user or other agents. Since there are various kinds of requests, it is difficult to prepare a complete set of request-handling rules in advance. In order to handle various requests, the agent uses Case Based Reasoning (CBR), which is an approach to solve a problem by referring old cases. (...)
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    Involvement of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Learning Others’ Bad Reputations and Indelible Distrust.Atsunobu Suzuki, Yuichi Ito, Sachiko Kiyama, Mitsunobu Kunimi, Hideki Ohira, Jun Kawaguchi, Hiroki C. Tanabe & Toshiharu Nakai - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  3. Suzuki Daisetsu shū.Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - 1960
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    Suzuki Daisetsu no sekai.Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Ittōen Tōeisha.
  5. Suzuki Toru Chosakushu.Toru Suzuki - 1996
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    Iris Murdoch's Critique of Three Dualisms in Moral Education.Yoshiaki Michaelnakazawa - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
  7.  52
    The Early Royal Society and Visual Culture.Sachiko Kusukawa - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (3):350-394.
    Recent studies have fruitfully examined the intersection between early modern science and visual culture by elucidating the functions of images in shaping and disseminating scientific knowledge. Given its rich archival sources, it is possible to extend this line of research in the case of the Royal Society to an examination of attitudes towards images as artifacts—manufactured objects worth commissioning, collecting, and studying. Drawing on existing scholarship and material from the Royal Society Archives, I discuss Fellows’ interests in prints, drawings, varnishes, (...)
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  8. The Transformation of Natural Philosophy. The Case of Philip Melanchthon.Sachiko Kusukawa - 1995
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    Cross cultural differences in unconscious knowledge.Sachiko Kiyokawa, Zoltán Dienes, Daisuke Tanaka, Ayumi Yamada & Louise Crowe - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):16-24.
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    The Vision of Islam.Sachiko Murata & William C. Chittick - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):297.
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    The sacred balance: rediscovering our place in nature.David Suzuki (ed.) - 1997 - Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.
    This special 10th anniversary edition of the David Suzuki classic, re-examines our place in the natural world in light of sweeping environmental changes and recent advances in scientific knowledge.
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    Undetectable Changes in Image Resolution of Luminance-Contrast Gradients Affect Depth Perception.Yoshiaki Tsushima, Kazuteru Komine, Yasuhito Sawahata & Toshiya Morita - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A context sensitive line finder for recognition of polyhedra.Yoshiaki Shirai - 1973 - Artificial Intelligence 4 (2):95-119.
  14.  33
    Leonhart Fuchs on the Importance of Pictures.Sachiko Kusukawa - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (3):403-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leonhart Fuchs on the Importance of PicturesSachiko KusukawaIf not for the attractive plant with overhanging flute-like flowers that was named after him, Leonhart Fuchs (1501–66) is best known today as one of the pioneers of accurate representations of plants in histories of scientific illustrations.1 The pictures in Fuchs’s Remarkable Commentaries on the History of Plants (1542) have been appreciated usually for their “naturalistic” features (i.e., pictures drawn from observing (...)
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    Unconscious cognition isn’t that smart: Modulation of masked repetition priming effect in the word naming task.Sachiko Kinoshita, Kenneth I. Forster & Michael C. Mozer - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):623-649.
  16.  37
    Observation observed: Lorraine Daston and Elizabeth Lunbeck : Histories of scientific observation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 460pp, $81.00 HB, $27.50 PB.Sachiko Kusukawa - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):347-352.
    This is an important volume of seventeen essays that historicizes observation as a practice, concept and ideal. It belongs to the historiographical tradition of scrutinizing central aspects of the scientific enterprise such as experiments and objectivity that once appeared too self-evident to be probed. The challenge of historicizing such a significant idea is that it has to be a collective enterprise.The volume starts with three essays that provide a chronological survey of the period from 500 to 1800. Katherine Park, covering (...)
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    Diffusion of manganese in cobalt and cobalt-manganese alloys.Yoshiaki Iijima, Ken-Ichi Hirano & Osamu Taguchi - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):229-244.
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    Nishida Kitarō no jitsuzairon: AI andoroido wa naze ningen o koerarenai no ka = Nishida Kitaro's realism: why artificial intelligence or androids can't surpass human beings.Yoshiaki Ikeda - 2018 - Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten.
    世界は存在するのか、しないのか。生命とは、人間とは何か―西田幾多郎の哲学は世界のあり方を根源から問う実在論であった。行為的直観、自覚、絶対無の場所、絶対現在、永遠の今、絶対矛盾的自己同一といった西田独 自の概念を、生命論を手がかりに考察することを通して西田哲学と一体化しつつ、自身の思索を深化させる池田哲学の真骨頂が展開する。ピュシス(自然)の発する声に耳を傾けた、『福岡伸一、西田哲学を読む』の続編。 .
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  19. Seiyō kinsei tetsugaku shisō yōron.Yoshiaki Ikeda - 1974
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  20. Waga kokoro fukaki soko ari: Nishida Kitarō no raifu historī.Yoshiaki Ikeda & Takashi Kakuni (eds.) - 2005 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
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    Yomigaeru Rongo.Yoshiaki Irobe - 1981 - Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten.
  22.  3
    実存から世界へ: 思想史発掘.Yoshiaki Komai - 1992 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha.
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  23. Jitsuzon kara sekai e: shisōshi hakkutsu.Yoshiaki Komai - 1992 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha.
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  24.  10
    Bungaku riron: yomikata o manabi bungaku to deainaosu: kuritikaru wādo = Critical words for literary theory.Yoshiaki Mihara, Eri Watanabe & Satoshi Udo (eds.) - 2020 - Tōkyō-to Shibuya-ku: Firumu Ātosha.
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    Tōyō shomin dōtoku: "inshitsuroku" no kenkyū.Yoshiaki Nishizawa - 2015 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Meitoku Shuppansha.
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    Zen'eishi: miraiha, Dada, kōsei shugi.Yoshiaki Nishino - 2016 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Dai Tōa Sensō go no sekai: Nakashōji Akira no "chikyūron" shisō.Yoshiaki Nojima - 2007 - Tōkyō: Tendensha.
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    Japanese Studies of Post-Opium War China: 1984.Usui Sachiko & Kurihara Jun - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (1-2):42-55.
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    Preface.Yoshiaki Shirai - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 91 (1):1-2.
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  30. Domestic wastewater treatment in the drainage areas of Lakes Shinji and Nakaumi: treatment efficiency and dissemination for ordinary citizens.Yoshiaki Tsuzuki - 2005 - Laguna 12:53-61.
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  31. Chōkōku no seishin to hōritsu.Yoshiaki Tzuka (ed.) - 1939
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  32. Makkusu Bēbā to kodaishi kenkyū.Yoshiaki Uchida - 1970
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  33. Über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik. Betrachtungen zu einer nachgelassenen Schrift Kants.Yoshiaki Yamashita - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98 (2).
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    Bi to utsukushisa: "aru ga mama" ni tsuite no shisaku.Yoshiaki Yamashita - 2016 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
    ヨーロッパの“美”と日本の“うつくしさ”の邂逅―それは単に比較文明の問題ではない。両者の邂逅に、西洋形而上学が形而上学=美学の歴史であった所以が立ち現われるなか、“あるがまま”という“うつくしさ”の存 在論が、ヨーロッパの存在論の忘れられた根底と呼び合う。.
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    Zen Buddhism and its influence on Japanese culture.Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - 1938 - Kyoto,: The Eastern Buddhist society.
  36.  26
    Iris Murdoch's Critique of Three Dualisms in Moral Education.Yoshiaki Michael Nakazawa - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
  37.  23
    Engraving accuracy in early modern England: visual communication and the Royal Society.Sachiko Kusukawa - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    Images in the service of scientific knowledge (broadly construed) in early modern Europe have received much scholarly attention in recent years. Given that this was a period where there was a large...
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  38. Comfort women: sexual slavery in the Japanese military during world war II.Yoshimi Yoshiaki - 2002
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  39. Japanese Spirituality.Suzuki Daisetz - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (1):99-110.
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  40. Seimei kagaku no tetsugaku.Yoshiaki Ikeda - 1980
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    Sanctuary: Kamakura's Tōkeiji Convent.Sachiko Kaneko & Robert E. Morrell - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (2/3):195-228.
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    Memorial states of awareness versus volitional control: The role of task differences.Sachiko Kinoshita - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):772-772.
    Dienes & Perner's analysis provides a clear theoretical justification for using a demonstration of volitional control as a criterion for conscious awareness. However, in memory tasks, the converse does not hold: A phenomenological awareness of a memory episode can arise involuntarily, even when the task does not require retrieval of the episode. The varying amounts of volitional retrieval required by different memory tasks need to be recognized.
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    Distant functional connectivity for bimanual finger coordination declines with aging: an fMRI and SEM exploration.Sachiko Kiyama, Mitsunobu Kunimi, Tetsuya Iidaka & Toshiharu Nakai - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Image, Text and Observatio: The Codex Kentmanus.Sachiko Kusukawa - 2009 - Early Science and Medicine 14 (4):445-475.
    This paper examines the inter-relationship between image, text and object in the Codex Kentmanus, which is one of the earliest records of the plants in the botanical garden at Padua, studied by Johannes Kentmann . The manuscript shows that “observation” for Kentmann involved a gradual process of assimilating knowledge from other physicians, apothecaries, and books in order to make the plants which were originally encountered at a specific time and place into a more generalised object of study for learned physicians.
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  45. Melanchthon: Orations on Philosophy and Education.Sachiko Kusukawa & Christine F. Salazar (eds.) - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    Philip Melanchthon, humanist and colleague of Martin Luther, is best known for his educational reforms, for which he earned the title Praeceptor Germaniae. His most influential form of philosophical writing was the academic oration, and this volume, first published in 1999, presents a large and wide-ranging selection of his orations and textbook prefaces translated into English. They set out his views on the distinction between faith and reason, the role of philosophy in education, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, astronomy and astrology, (...)
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  46. Yutori aru kyōiku.Yoshiaki Nakaya - 1974
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    Sanctuary: Kamakurals T5keiji Convent.Kaneko Sachiko & Robert E. Morrell - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1983:195.
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  48. Nihon seishin shi yō ron.Shigeo Suzuki - 1942
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    Shimōnu Veiyu "gisei" no shisō.Junko Suzuki - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Fujiwara Shoten.
    「権利」概念に対する「義務」、「人格主義」に対する「非人格」を基盤にした思考など、近代的人間観の矛盾を根底的に問うたヴェイユの思想と核心とその現代的意義を鮮やかに示す気鋭の野心作。第5回「河上肇賞」本 賞受賞作。.
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    Thomas More on Politics as a Profession.Yoshinori Suzuki - 1987 - Moreana 25 (1):125-132.
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